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The Naked brothers band...
¿Crees que existe una escalera a la luna? /// Sometimes i'll be there...
24 de Septiembre, 2007    General

Thats how it is

i like yugio you like uno
thats how it is
thats how it is
i like basket ball you like music
thats how its is
thats how it is
i play my gameboy you do home work
thats how it is
thats how it is
you like doger shirts i like black shirts
thats how it is
thats how it is
i like........

i like white notes you like black notes
thats how it is
thats how it is
i have baby teeth u have grown up teeth
thats how it is
thats how it is
you.. have....short hair i have long hair
thats how it is
thats how it is
i wear a do-rag you wear your hair
thats how it is
thats how it is drums you play piano
thats how it is
thats how it is
i like fity cent you like outcast
thats how it is
thats how it is
i like sprite you like milk
thats how it is
thats how it is
you dont like when cameras are around you i like when cameras are around you
thats how it is
thats how it is
you like panio i like drums
thats how it is
thats how it is
i....(i alredy said that)

(Nuevo link)

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publicado por nicolodvg a las 15:15 · 3 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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Comentarios (3) ·  Enviar comentario
la cancion esta muy linda y o-bi-o q alex tambien
publicado por cristal, el 15.10.2007 18:19
es una cansion bacan porque todaslas cansioes son buenas
publicado por lukas, el 20.10.2007 10:36
jaja...esta cancion es maso segun yo;PERO ES DEMASIADA TIERNA (:
publicado por Fio, el 03.08.2009 14:44
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Nicolas Oreja Rafaelli Van Gogh

Me encanta La Oreja de Van gogh. También me gustan otras bandas como Efecto Mariposa, Belanova, Amaral, La quinta estación, El sueño de Morfeo, Dover, etc... En la televisión me encanta Heroes (la mejor serie) y Billy y Mandy... En el cine High school musical (y sus canciones) y el Código Da vinci...

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